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The late Steve Jobs, co-founder of the US technology company Apple. Apple is in today's position with his hand. And at the top of people's choice is the company's computer, laptop, mobile phone and other technology products. A computer manual (usage guide) signed by Steve Jobs has been sold for about eight lakh US dollars.
The manual was put up for auction last Thursday by RR Auctions, a Boston-based auction house in the United States, according to CNN. On the opposite side of the first page of the 196-page manual, Steve Jobs writes, ‘Julian, you are the first generation to grow up with computers. Go, change the world. 'Then Steve Jobs signed it and wrote the year, 1980. The same manual was signed by Apple's early investor Mika Markular.
RR Auctions said in a statement that the manual, signed by Steve Jobs, had sold for $7,87,484 The statement added that Steve Jobs and Marcula once went to the UK to run Apple's campaign. That's when they signed the manual. The manual was given to a teenager named Julian Brewer. Julian's father was involved in Apple's computer marketing in the UK.
Reminiscing about that day, Julian said, "I was sitting in the bedroom playing games on Apple Two. Suddenly Dad called. When he went downstairs, he introduced me to some of the guests. ' I had the manual in my hand at the time, and later I realized how valuable it was to have Steve Jobs sign the manual. '
The manual was bought at auction by a man named Jim Irse. "The name of Steve Jobs comes to mind when you think of the most famous and innovative person of the last two centuries," he said.
Apple Two started its journey in 1977. It was Apple's first successful product. It is considered to be the first computer to be sold to the general public. The first spreadsheet to be used on computers was introduced in 1979 by Apple II. It later gained popularity in commercial use.
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